Differences Between Local Storage, Session Storage, and Cookies | Explained
Have you ever wondered how websites remember your preferences or login information even after you close the browser? All of this is made achievable by technologies like cookies, session storage, and local storage. In this article, we’ll look into each of these web storage options and find their differences in simple terms. What are Local Storage, Session Storage, and Cookies? Local Storage, Session Storage, and Cookies are all ways for websites to store data locally on your browser. Think of them as tiny storage units within your browser where websites can keep track of information. Local Storage Local Storage is like a spacious storage unit where websites can store data that needs to be persistent even after you close the browser. It’s like storing your favorite items in a box that you can access anytime you visit the website. Important Things to Know about Local Storage: Space: You can usually store between 5MB to 10MB of data, which is quite a lot. Staying Power: Your data sticks around even if the user closes the browser, which is handy. Privacy: Only the user can see the data, which makes it safe. Using the Data: You can use methods like setItem(), getItem(), removeItem(),